The positive way to improve your analoge front end
The SID "A" is a Sound Improvement Disc for your analogue record player.
The SID "A" is a constrained layer construction ie. anti-magnetic stainless steel / polycarbon / stainless steel lamination.
This same principle is used in the construction of the Sound Improvement Platform (See test in "HIFI & Records" Nr.3 /2003).
The SID "A" has a special micro fibre material attached to it to give the record perfect drive and to connect it to the SID "A" to make it as one.

Just place the SID "A" on your turntable and adjust the pickup arm to correct height, sit back and enjoy the music like never before. A silent background, a deep natural bass, clear middle and silky high frequency.
Background noise is reduced to an absolute minumum leaving just pure music to enhance your ears.
As our motto says - JUST TRUST YOUR EARS